As a game designer, I often have to supplement my games with immersive lore, illustrations, and/or canonical maps. For example, I hosted a space-themed roleplay series similar to D&D for over four years; to help players understand the galaxy they were exploring as well as give more depth to the story, I drew war maps, battle scenes, and diagrams. Below are some examples of my works.
Hero’s Journey: Season 20 Story Finale (May 30th, 2020)
Etherium Music Channel YouTube Banner (July 2022)
Beat Saber UI Redesign Concept (March 24th, 2024)
Chimera: Season 22 Season Finale (January 27th, 2023)
Playing Cards Redesign Concept (February 2024)
Collectible cards of my friends that could battle each other (December 2021)
Nedorvia: World Map (January 2nd, 2022)
Chimera: Season 21 Season Finale Map (October 30th, 2022)